Did you know…

That even in the depths of the painful 2022 bear market… the FIRE Pattern could have led you to explosive gains like 177%, 163%, and even 270%?

There are thousands of chart patterns in the stock market.

You can spend your whole life trying to master them all – and you’ll still run out of time.

But you don’t need thousands – or even dozens of chart patterns – to become a successful trader.

You just need ONE – the FIRE Pattern.

A comprehensive study of almost every chart pattern out there ranked the FIRE Pattern as the top performer in both bull and bear markets…

Both in returns AND success rate!

That’s why it could have handed you explosive triple-digit gains even during the ugly 2022 bear market…

And potentially A LOT more in the current bull market.

It doesn’t matter what sector the stock is in…

Whether the analysts consider it “overvalued” or “undervalued”...

Or how the Fed is manipulating interest rates.

“Many stocks can skyrocket 200% or more off this pattern.”

~Founder of Investor’s Business Daily

That’s why I’ve been quietly using the FIRE Pattern to grow my personal trading account for the past decade…

Why investing champions like Dan Zanger, Marty Schwartz, and Mark Minervini have all credited the FIRE Pattern with helping them make obscene amounts of money…

And why I’m committed to teaching ordinary traders like YOU to use this powerful pattern in your own trading…

Because you don’t need a large trading account…

You don’t need to do any complex calculations…

“...the most powerful pattern out there”

~2019 US Investing Champion

And you don’t need to pay attention to the non-stop barrage of financial “news”...

All you need to know is how to spot the simple FIRE Pattern

And you’ll have a massive advantage over 99% of traders out there.

I’m going to show you everything you need to start using this pattern in your own trading – instantly…

So make sure you fill out the details below to reserve your seat for my LIVE masterclass now.

About Ross Givens

Ross is a veteran trader, investor, and once-upon-a-time Wall Street insider. After rising through the ranks of JP Morgan Chase, Ross left his leadership role to become an independent trading educator. Now, he teaches regular investors the trading strategies he learned on Wall Street.
